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A Beginner's Guide to Markdown

Markdown is a simple language designed to streamline content writing. It’s used everywhere, from GitHub to note-taking apps. Whether you’re a writer, developer, or just someone who wants to simplify your web writing, this guide is for you!

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language, created by John Gruber in 2004, to make formatted text easily readable in plain-text editors. It’s especially popular for blogging, instant messaging, forums, collaborative tools, documentation, and readme files. Over time, variations in its interpretation led to the creation of CommonMark in 2014, a clearer specification with a test suite to ensure consistent implementation.

Basic Syntax

Here’s a quick rundown of the most common elements you’ll need:

1. Headers

Headers are created by using the # symbol, followed by a space:

# This is an H1 
## This is an H2 
### This is an H3

2. Emphasis

For italic use *asterisks* or _underscores_.

For bold use **double asterisks** or __double underscores__.

3. Lists

Unordered Lists

Use asterisks, plus, or minus followed by a space:

* Item 1 
* Item 2   
    * Subitem 2.1   
    * Subitem 2.2

Ordered Lists

Simply use numbers followed by periods:

1. First item 
2. Second item 
3. Third item

You can create an inline link with the following syntax:

[Displayed Text](URL "Optional Title")

5. Images

Images are similar to links but with a preceding exclamation mark:

![Alternative Text](URL "Optional Title")

6. Blockquotes

For blockquotes, use the > character before your text:

> This is a blockquote.

7. Code Blocks

For inline code, wrap your code with backticks:

`code goes here` 

For multi-line code blocks, use triple backticks:

Line 1 of Code 
Line 2 of Code 
Line 3 of Code 
 3 of Code 

8. Horizontal Line

You can create a horizontal line with three dashes, asterisks, or underscores:


Other Useful Elements

  1. Tables:
| Header1 | Header2 | 
| cell1   | cell2   | 
| cell3   | cell4   |
  1. Task Lists:
- [x] Completed task 
- [ ] Incomplete task
  • Completed task
  • Incomplete task
  1. Strikethrough:

Use ~~ to strikethrough text:


Write Citations in Markdown:

In your Markdown file, you can add citations using the @ symbol followed by the citation key. For example:

According to recent studies [@Smith2023], the effect is...

You can also use multiple citations:

Some scholars argue this point [@Smith2023; @Doe2022].

Parenthetical vs. Narrative Citations:

Parenthetical (or in-text) citations place the author and year within parentheses:

This phenomenon has been observed in several contexts (e.g., [@Smith2023]).

Narrative citations incorporate the author directly into the sentence:

According to @Smith2023, the phenomenon...

2. Adding Page Numbers, Chapters, Prefixes, and Suffixes:

You can provide more specific locations or qualifiers to your citations by adding prefixes, locators, and suffixes:

  • Prefix and Suffix: Useful for adding context before or after a citation.
As rightly pointed out [-@Smith2023, p. 23; see also @Doe2022, ch. 2].
  • Locators: These can be page numbers, chapters, figures, or any other kind of section.
[@Smith2023, p. 23-25]
[@Doe2022, ch. 2]

Note the use of - before @Smith2023. This prevents the author’s name from being repeated when you want a parenthetical citation. Without the -, it would be treated as a narrative citation.

Create a Bibliography File:

For creating and managing your bibliography, we recommend using CiteDrive. CiteDrive is a cloud-first, collaborative, BibTeX-native reference manager designed specifically for Overleaf, LaTeX, and R Markdown users. It simplifies the process of curating and exporting citations in the .bib format.

Here’s a sample BibTeX entry you might have in your .bib file:

	title        = {Title of the Study},
	author       = {Smith, John},
	year         = 2023,
	journal      = {Journal Name},
	volume       = 5,
	pages        = {10--20}

Use Pandoc with a CSL Style:

Pandoc can convert your Markdown file with citations into a properly formatted document using a CSL style. Here’s a basic example command:

pandoc --citeproc
 --csl=yourcslstyle.csl -o output.docx


  • is your markdown file.
  • --citeproc enables the citation processor.
  • yourbibfile.bib is your bibliography file.
  • yourcslstyle.csl is your chosen citation style (like APA, MLA, etc.). There are many CSL styles available online.
  • output.docx is the desired output file (in this case, a Word document).

Remember, you’ll need both Pandoc and the appropriate CSL files for this to work. The final output will depend on the CSL style you choose.

Applications and Platforms Using Markdown

  • GitHub - For documentation and comments within repositories.
  • Obsidian - A knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
  • R Markdown - Integrates the core syntax of markdown with embedded R code chunks for dynamic data analysis and reporting.
  • Discord - Uses a modified version of Markdown for text formatting in chats.
  • Reddit - Allows users to format their posts and comments with a version of Markdown.
  • Jekyll - A static site generator that supports Markdown for content creation.
  • Notion - A note-taking and organization tool with Markdown support.
  • VSCode - A code editor that supports Markdown for documentation and has a built-in previewer.